is always the ax
register, no matter what happens. On the 80x87,
however, the register set is an eight element stack of 80 bit floating point
values (see the figure below). ST(0) refers to the item on the top of the
stack, ST(1) refers to the next item on the stack, and so on. Many floating
point instructions push and pop items on the stack; therefore, ST(1) will
refer to the previous contents of ST(0) after you push something onto the
stack. It will take some thought and practice to get used to the fact that
the registers are changing under you, but this is an easy problem to overcome.Bit 12 of the control register is only present on the 8087 and 80287
chips. It controls how the 80x87 responds to infinity. The 80387 and later
chips always use a form of infinitly known and affine closure because this
is the only form supported by the IEEE 754/854 standards. As such, we will
ignore any further use of this bit and assume that it is always programmed
with a one.
Bits 10 and 11 provide rounding control according to the following values:
Bits 10 & 11 | Function |
00 | To nearest or even |
01 | Round down |
10 | Round up |
11 | Truncate |
Bits 8 & 9 | Precision Control |
00 | 24 bits |
01 | Reserved |
10 | 53 bits |
11 | 64 bits |
Bits zero through five are the exception flags. These bits are appear
in the same order as the exception masks in the control register. If the
corresponding condition exists, then the bit is set. These bits are independent
of the exception masks in the control register. The 80x87 sets and clears
these bits regardless of the corresponding mask setting.
Bit six (active only on 80386 and later processors) indicates a stack fault.
A stack fault occurs whenever there is a stack overflow or underflow. When
this bit is set, the C1 condition code bit determines whether there was
a stack overflow (C1=1) or stack underflow (C1=0) condition.
Bit seven of the status register is set if any error condition bit is set.
It is the logical OR of bits zero through five. A program can test this
bit to quickly determine if an error condition exists.
Bits eight, nine, ten, and fourteen are the coprocessor condition code bits.
Various instructions set the condition code bits as shown in the following
Instruction | Condition
Code Bits C3 C2 C1 C0 | Condition |
fcom, fcomp, fcompp, ficom, ficomp | 0
0 X 0 0 0 X 1 1 0 X 0 1 1 X 1 | ST > source ST < source ST = source ST or source undefined |
ftst | 0 0 X 0 0 0 X 1 1 0 X 0 1 1 X 1 | ST is positive ST is negative ST is zero (+ or -) ST is uncomparable |
fxam | 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 X X 1 | + Unnormalized -Unnormalized +Normalized -Normalized +0 -0 +Denormalized -Denormalized +NaN -NaN +Infinity -Infinity Empty register |
fucom, fucomp, fucompp | 0 0 X 0 0 0 X 1 1 0 X 0 1 1 X 1 | ST > source ST < source ST = source Unorder |
X = Don't care |
Insruction(s) | C0 | C3 | C2 | C1 |
fcom, fcomp, fcmpp, ftst, fucom, fucomp, fucompp, ficom, ficomp | Result of comparison. See table above. | Result of comparison. See table above. | Operand is not comparable. | Result of comparison (see table above) or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception bit is set ). |
fxam | See previous table. | See previous table. | See previous table. | Sign of result, or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception bit is set ). |
fprem, fprem1 | Bit 2 of remainder | Bit 0 of remainder | 0- reduction
done. 1- reduction incomplete. | Bit 1 of remainder or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception bit is set ). |
fist, fbstp, frndint, fst, fstp, fadd, fmul, fdiv, fdivr, fsub, fsubr, fscale, fsqrt, fpatan, f2xm1, fyl2x, fyl2xp1 | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Round up occurred or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception
bit is set ). |
fptan, fsin, fcos, fsincos | Undefined | Undefined | 0- reduction done. 1- reduction incomplete. | Round up occurred or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception bit is set ). |
fchs, fabs, fxch, fincstp, fdecstp, constant loads, fxtract, fld, fild, fbld, fstp (80 bit) | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Zero result or stack overflow/underflow (if stack exception bit is set ). |
fldenv, fstor | Restored from memory operand. | Restored from memory operand. | Restored from memory operand. | Restored from memory operand. |
fldcw, fstenv, fstcw, fstsw, fclex | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined |
finit, fsave | Cleared to zero. | Cleared to zero. | Cleared to zero. | Cleared to zero. |
The 80x87 FPU generally stores values in a normalized format. When a floating point number is normalized, the H.O. bit is always one. In the 32 and 64 bit floating point formats, the 80x87 does not actually store this bit, the 80x87 always assumes that it is one. Therefore, 32 and 64 bit floating point numbers are always normalized. In the extended precision 80 bit floating point format, the 80x87 does not assume that the H.O. bit of the mantissa is one, the H.O. bit of the number appears as part of the string of bits.